Turbo C programmers can move to debugging Intel MCS ˝ 51 microcontroller embedded C instantly, as ChipView-51 is key-compatible with Borland¦s award-winning Turbo Debugger. The ChipView Windows Debugger is easy to learn since it makes full use of state-of-the-art Windows controls, such as toolbars, tooltips, drag-and-drop, and context-sensitive pop-up menus.
ChipTools has worked closely with Nohau to ensure that ChipView-51 provides total support for all EMUL51-PC hardware options v including standard and advanced trace boards, standard and bank-switch emulator boards, computer plug-in and serial box options, and all pods.
ChipView-51 maximizes trace performance of the EMUL51-PC v it can trace general program flow by capturing just one frame per source line, mixed with detailed trace only where its needed, by µOR¦ing in selected functions v all by point & click. ChipView-51 can place non-skid breakpoints in test code so that emulation stops at the breakpoint (instead of one opcode after it) - even on the bank-switch emulator. When debugging bank-switched code, ChipView-51 correctly decodes traced source by banks, and displays bank-to-bank calls in the C call stack window for either Keil, Archimedes, or IAR banking C compilers.
Views to choose from include: source-level code, assembly-level code, watches, inspectors, on-chip registers, C call stack, variables, breakpoints, execution trace, session log, elapsed cycles, memory dumps, and more.
See all variables (global & local) in the Variables Window, or track a few expressions in the Watch Window. Decompose arrays or structures across several Inspector Windows. ChipView-51 allows point and click to follow a linked list.
ChipView-51 is available with a Simulation engine, a ROM Monitor engine, or interfaced to popular Intel MCS51 microcontroller in-circuit emulators and ROM emulators. ChipView-51 has High-Level support for C compilers and Assemblers from Archimedes, BSO/Tasking, Franklin, Keil, IAR, and Intel.